Dorothea Braun
About Us
Vita Dorothea Braun
Producer, Director, Writer, Developer.
Born 1984 in Eberbach on the Neckar, Germany. After school she started as trainee at a travel agency in Darmstadt, Germany. After some years of working as travel agent, she went to Marburg to study Cultural and Social Anthropology at Philipps-University with focus on Visual Anthropology. After that she studied Directing and Development with (a.o.) Claas Danielsen, Gianfranco Rosi und Alessandro Rossetto at »Dokumentarfilmschule ZeLIG« in Bozen, Italy.
She then worked as Assistant-Director, Camera-Assistant and Production-Assistant for Documentaries with Stanislaw Mucha and Andreas Puchler.
In addition she produced and directed her own films. Her film TRANSITION BLU was screened at festivals in Germany and abroad - as well as at various universities.
She has been working as a producer for strandfilm since 2018.
Seit 2018 arbeitet sie für strandfilm als Producerin.
Jahr | Titel | Regie | Genre, Länge, Funktion |
2022 | strandfilm Next - Dorothea Braun Filmproduktion | Development | |
Eisfrauen | Dorothea Braun | Kino-Dokumentarfilm, Doku-Serie | |
Thule | Dorothea Braun | Kino-Dokumentarfilm | |
2019 | Wörter in Flaschen | Dorothea Braun | Kino-Dokumentarfilm, Development |
2018/17 | Die Wettermacher (Autorin) | Stanislaw Mucha | Kino-Dokumentarfilm |
2017/16 | Kolyma (Prod. assistenz, Kamera-Ass.) | Stanislaw Mucha | Kino-Dokumentarfilm |
2017/16 | Der sechste Kontinent (Prod. assistenz, Kamera-Ass.) | Andreas Pichler | Kino-Dokumentarfilm |
2015 | Transition Blu | Dorothea Braun | ZeLIG (30:00 Min.) |
2014 | Nichts ist | Dorothea Braun | ZeLIG (16:10 Min.) |
2014 | Kleine Dame | Dorothea Braun | ZeLIG (05:10 Min.) |
2013 | Zwei Farben Grün | Dorothea Braun | Uni Göttingen (08:26) |